- Rosnita, Malaysia
Answer: I can give views, but I'm not sure my view this dipersetujui by all people and may include sisters. Modeling means exhibit devoted to comedy skit, whether directly on view in televisyen, the silver screen or in ads. Sometimes it involved to show clothes, including slippers, clothes in, in seluar, seluar bathing trunks also golf.
Modeling is included in the campaign to do something new barangan output, such as electric pot, trains, oil pelincir or food, such as rice, noodles immediately, ubat mosquitoes and so on.
When the clothes in the exhibit, seluar someone in that usually only wear coli or in seluar only. This legal act forbidden, because it involves a model that opens genitalia, which is closed except sewajibnya both palm and face only.
If someone is modeling the genitals, but wear it with a strict diperagakan, showing pin payu virgin, a tight back and forth, also wriggle free when walking where it can attract or stimulate appetite, then the act is still forbidden by Islam and ditegah .
And a sister Islamic tegahan make clear that this means the sisters have violated the law by ditegah which is the religion of Islam anuti sisters. Moreover, when the behavior is on view for many people show up ticket modeling.
Unlawful means to do something can be sin and leaving reward. If God forbid something, meaning that the disadvantage in the reverse can't it certainly existed. And when God require something, then the benefit obligation is rather large, have the same back on themselves, but also other people including the state.
People such as sisters should devote to the subject at this time only because the only lesson that can put someone to a higher stage, and respected.
Sisters see the Chinese who come dwell in mine-mine, the people of India in the drudge estet-estet brought to Tanah Melayu by the British, including those who come from Indonesia, which comes one's extremities, a man who respected, the economic state and everything because they are science. They float with the notion but not berilmu will continue to lag behind.
Conscious and sisters must realize, is not the same people who berilmu with those who do not berilmu. How to think, act and so forth. More extreme when people are not ignorant or berilmu himself berilmu feel that, because the person who is ignorant lumrahnya not menyedari who himself does not berilmu.
Supposing berazam and sisters continue to push as now, means the sisters can not be distinguished between the diamond crystal. Wang parents have enough to pay for instruction, but a sister model side, on the basis of interest solely in the case he does not need to.
Sister understand or not, do not attempt to give God's favor and choose the road vagaries maze to go to the real destination of life.
Knowledge parents who, if Allah will be the birth of children berilmu results of the admirable and penghayatan children against both parents. When a Knowledge it, have lessons in the family, children, the other, including the brother-beradik go to be one of the family who knowledge direction. Indirectly, the knowledge inherited by the family concerned.
This phenomenon does not occur among those who involve themselves as models. Become a model usually has a physical form of a beautiful, tall and slim young young. The short-legged, dark skin will tersingkir of prospective models.
The most important, a model that must be young, we rarely see those old, out in the glass televisyen bathing costume parade, ubat coli or mosquitoes. Sharpness career model is limited to certain times and do not guarantee a bright future. Circumstances such as this differs with those who have any lessons berilmu or higher.
Thus to ensure that future, better sister model to be stopped temporarily and the stack so that graduate teaching.
In the 1960s, they considered the Cambridge high achievement academic. At the village, the university seumpama shadow. If someone is successful in learning and university graduate, the person concerned can easily hold an office, even before working out is learning to wait.
These conditions apply because when the secondary schools was established only in the last-ditch or weekends. To get a diploma of education, candidates take the kingdom to foreign countries such as England. Everything has changed, in which someone may not be the size of the envisaged changes regarding how.
Kingdom to establish schools throughout the country, providing education to the allotment for such large expenditures proportionate to the state defense expenditures. When this graduation school, the one when the first match of Senior Cambridge, not to be proud again. So also with the graduation diploma, such as the sisters have learned now. Some candidates have also run the master here to there to find a job, forced to work in the factory with the first factory-use sijil SPM. Employer is aware that if someone has a Master and work in the kilangnya, candidates will not be working this long and distressing pentadbirannya.
Must be aware that someone needs the knowledge. Passed high degree ensure the work has the future. From a poor family to become a simple and well-respected family. There are also people who feel the science is not necessary because the family consists of the rich, famous and everything is adequate.
Because they do not need to learn, or learn the easy-just as easy to get the country out solekan diploma or the instance in case they attempt to get a diploma in the field journey, a very needed by the country. If this is the attitude held, on the other nations struggling with the full confidence to self, family and country, will be behind us, the day the more far behind.
Lumrahnya people involved with the model consists of those who are beautiful, a spectacle certain people, giuran the corporate, the management-keeper, referrer-referrer, the big fashion pereka been impressed with the physical beauty. Because they often become prey that eventually become mainstream love unknown destinations of the end.
Until when the sisters wanted to be a model, until in family? Forged sister will stop when berkahwin, in the areas of interest and this is a delusion sisters? A husband who let his wife to open the exhibit itself with auratnya, called by another man, the husband is dayus. Beauty is only a wife to her husband.
The Modern also has a beautiful wife to be an attempt will not bear the temptation peminatnya. Too many deceptive pretext meminati man who felt that a woman can meet seleranya.
Tergiur beautiful women will also eventually dissolved with hilaian famous men, have an important position, according to lavish wealth will, give a gift diamonds, train the vine, which comes with full fragrant flowers and praise, and so forth.
From here, someone's wife that the man who will continue to obsess with her husband earlier that waiting at home after work send parade themselves in kerjaya models.
By request of the sisters, I want to describe the sincere feeling that sisters do not tend goats on the edge well, ditakuti goat-goat will tercebur earlier, weak in the water. Parents said, do not try to play a fire. Tend goats in the forest, on the edge well, if not drop in the spring, wolves in the land always waiting period for eat and kill.
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