Khairunneezam by Mohd Noor

Black magic practices so rebellious people, kufur breed fruitful disputes in the community
This modern supermarket was going to occur, do not you surprised to know that some community members still strong with terbelenggu practice witchcraft, which can damage faith. A rice tangas, wind-direction direction, santau, over witchcraft, oil and chin instance, he was famous magic between branch and still practiced hard in the community.
Indeed, the act is not magic and not berpaksikan to the teachings of science or the devil wants her belief that Islam astray and damaged continue to perish. Magic is not good to give people consume, the more people become more victims.
Magic using the instrumentality of the jinn and the devil is not more than the negative aims to meet the rapacious appetite, run hatred, wanted to show them that someone is strong, or as a signal itself can not dicabar physical, feeling and expression of emotion.
Sharing the story of a victim magic for the long term lead to exacerbation because many ill effects such as forced covered disturbed incarnation of the black experience and the eerie dream.
Although friends and family before I'm trying berubat efforts to use modern medical practices, traditional medicines and Islam, the disease has not experienced even more extreme.
Suffering of victims of sorcery invite into the issue, if there benarlah the error to make it either deliberately or not, if there is no other way to solve problems that other than sorcery.
How that rather complacence is the practice of sorcery is to see if the victim terseksa physical, emotional, mental and find a magic that caused death.
Would it taste or if the dispute is not resolved in a happy heart that can both forgive each other and at peace.
Word of God means: "And if they incline to peace, the condonglah him and put thy trust in Allah. He is the Hearing, Knowing." (Surah al-Anfal, paragraph 61)
Clearly, people are able to do that magic value fragile faith. The group is easily intriguant budge on the subject and whispering and incitement devil. This is the practice of the rebellious and kufur.
They are not aware that Allah is Aware of entertainment and fair. If someone is good practice, it will also reply received from God, it's also acceptable if he was on a crime.
Word of God means: "Anyone who is good as particle, he will see nescaya (replies) and anyone who does evil as particle, he will see nescaya (replies) also." (Surah al-Zalzalah, paragraph 7 and 8)
Islam prohibits disapprovingly and stuck with his practice of sorcery. Rasionalnya practice witchcraft because it easily damage the faith and destroy a person of Muslim faith.
Magic cause someone who lost the confidence to consume the power of God and considers himself more able to bring the power to hurt others. Magic attempt reinforce a sense of arrogant, flash and among its wrong.
Magic will also expand reproduction of a dispute, the nature of revenge is not retroactive, invite defamation, and Shop-party lost the trust fellow members of the community. Imagine if a game sebati magic in life, abstinence tercuit magic, it will dibalas with magic.
Islam needs to avoid the practice of sorcery and try to fight the act with serious. How is:
# All levels of society need to deepen intact, distribute and embrace their teachings of Islam and make it as a way of life. Islam itself means obedient, and WELL resignation to God to give meaning prosperous. So, embrace their Islamic welfare means enrich fellow human relationship and the relationship with God.
# Resolving a dispute and understand the methods of appropriate and rational concepts and practices sorry, forgive each other individuals.
# Always apply and the ease of land that God unshakable faith in oneself and be given protection from malicious envy, evil magic act of man, elf, and the devil.
# To make the al-Quran and al-Hadith as a guide in all aspects of life. Likewise hafazan practices and the advantages of reading a particular paragraph or in the al-Quran. With the permission of Allah, he is able to become pendinding, and a repellent effect of magic to someone.
# To provide education to the community about the danger of the practice of sorcery is not only harmful to someone's belief even follow-horn and the thoughts will become porak-peranda and not rational.
# Criticizing the berhikmah and take resolute action against those who perform magic to be opened in the heart neurotoxins to be changed and nasuha repent to Allah.
# No support and cooperate with the magic practitioners to practice jahatnya it will be lost and not inherited by anyone.
For that affected the practice witchcraft, what needs to be made is sure to continue because of the power of God with His permission can certainly magic repudiate any act of evil men, jinn and the devil. Do not also the same method (ie magic) practiced want to give back the evil magic practitioners said.
The nature of patient should also continue to exist in addition to seek a settlement and keep the best and apply Islamic tawakal to God. Assuming that it is a form of God examination to test the firmness values of Islam and a person of faith.
Black magic practices so rebellious people, kufur breed fruitful disputes in the community
This modern supermarket was going to occur, do not you surprised to know that some community members still strong with terbelenggu practice witchcraft, which can damage faith. A rice tangas, wind-direction direction, santau, over witchcraft, oil and chin instance, he was famous magic between branch and still practiced hard in the community.
Indeed, the act is not magic and not berpaksikan to the teachings of science or the devil wants her belief that Islam astray and damaged continue to perish. Magic is not good to give people consume, the more people become more victims.
Magic using the instrumentality of the jinn and the devil is not more than the negative aims to meet the rapacious appetite, run hatred, wanted to show them that someone is strong, or as a signal itself can not dicabar physical, feeling and expression of emotion.
Sharing the story of a victim magic for the long term lead to exacerbation because many ill effects such as forced covered disturbed incarnation of the black experience and the eerie dream.
Although friends and family before I'm trying berubat efforts to use modern medical practices, traditional medicines and Islam, the disease has not experienced even more extreme.
Suffering of victims of sorcery invite into the issue, if there benarlah the error to make it either deliberately or not, if there is no other way to solve problems that other than sorcery.
How that rather complacence is the practice of sorcery is to see if the victim terseksa physical, emotional, mental and find a magic that caused death.
Would it taste or if the dispute is not resolved in a happy heart that can both forgive each other and at peace.
Word of God means: "And if they incline to peace, the condonglah him and put thy trust in Allah. He is the Hearing, Knowing." (Surah al-Anfal, paragraph 61)
Clearly, people are able to do that magic value fragile faith. The group is easily intriguant budge on the subject and whispering and incitement devil. This is the practice of the rebellious and kufur.
They are not aware that Allah is Aware of entertainment and fair. If someone is good practice, it will also reply received from God, it's also acceptable if he was on a crime.
Word of God means: "Anyone who is good as particle, he will see nescaya (replies) and anyone who does evil as particle, he will see nescaya (replies) also." (Surah al-Zalzalah, paragraph 7 and 8)
Islam prohibits disapprovingly and stuck with his practice of sorcery. Rasionalnya practice witchcraft because it easily damage the faith and destroy a person of Muslim faith.
Magic cause someone who lost the confidence to consume the power of God and considers himself more able to bring the power to hurt others. Magic attempt reinforce a sense of arrogant, flash and among its wrong.
Magic will also expand reproduction of a dispute, the nature of revenge is not retroactive, invite defamation, and Shop-party lost the trust fellow members of the community. Imagine if a game sebati magic in life, abstinence tercuit magic, it will dibalas with magic.
Islam needs to avoid the practice of sorcery and try to fight the act with serious. How is:
# All levels of society need to deepen intact, distribute and embrace their teachings of Islam and make it as a way of life. Islam itself means obedient, and WELL resignation to God to give meaning prosperous. So, embrace their Islamic welfare means enrich fellow human relationship and the relationship with God.
# Resolving a dispute and understand the methods of appropriate and rational concepts and practices sorry, forgive each other individuals.
# Always apply and the ease of land that God unshakable faith in oneself and be given protection from malicious envy, evil magic act of man, elf, and the devil.
# To make the al-Quran and al-Hadith as a guide in all aspects of life. Likewise hafazan practices and the advantages of reading a particular paragraph or in the al-Quran. With the permission of Allah, he is able to become pendinding, and a repellent effect of magic to someone.
# To provide education to the community about the danger of the practice of sorcery is not only harmful to someone's belief even follow-horn and the thoughts will become porak-peranda and not rational.
# Criticizing the berhikmah and take resolute action against those who perform magic to be opened in the heart neurotoxins to be changed and nasuha repent to Allah.
# No support and cooperate with the magic practitioners to practice jahatnya it will be lost and not inherited by anyone.
For that affected the practice witchcraft, what needs to be made is sure to continue because of the power of God with His permission can certainly magic repudiate any act of evil men, jinn and the devil. Do not also the same method (ie magic) practiced want to give back the evil magic practitioners said.
The nature of patient should also continue to exist in addition to seek a settlement and keep the best and apply Islamic tawakal to God. Assuming that it is a form of God examination to test the firmness values of Islam and a person of faith.
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