
Monday, December 29, 2008

Q & A : Advice on the future model

Question: I was 19 years old, studying in two years in a private kolej. Never make when in Johor Bharu, when the father moved to Kuala Lumpur we love so only to drop out. I was interested in working with modeling and sometimes I become a sideline modeling. I aspire to make a career for the future. Both parents have no problem to pay for my study. I still beg to God to get a husband who is, and can be of equal sense to guide me. Ustaz what views?

- Rosnita, Malaysia

Answer: I can give views, but I'm not sure my view this dipersetujui by all people and may include sisters. Modeling means exhibit devoted to comedy skit, whether directly on view in televisyen, the silver screen or in ads. Sometimes it involved to show clothes, including slippers, clothes in, in seluar, seluar bathing trunks also golf.

Modeling is included in the campaign to do something new barangan output, such as electric pot, trains, oil pelincir or food, such as rice, noodles immediately, ubat mosquitoes and so on.

When the clothes in the exhibit, seluar someone in that usually only wear coli or in seluar only. This legal act forbidden, because it involves a model that opens genitalia, which is closed except sewajibnya both palm and face only.

If someone is modeling the genitals, but wear it with a strict diperagakan, showing pin payu virgin, a tight back and forth, also wriggle free when walking where it can attract or stimulate appetite, then the act is still forbidden by Islam and ditegah .

And a sister Islamic tegahan make clear that this means the sisters have violated the law by ditegah which is the religion of Islam anuti sisters. Moreover, when the behavior is on view for many people show up ticket modeling.

Unlawful means to do something can be sin and leaving reward. If God forbid something, meaning that the disadvantage in the reverse can't it certainly existed. And when God require something, then the benefit obligation is rather large, have the same back on themselves, but also other people including the state.

People such as sisters should devote to the subject at this time only because the only lesson that can put someone to a higher stage, and respected.

Sisters see the Chinese who come dwell in mine-mine, the people of India in the drudge estet-estet brought to Tanah Melayu by the British, including those who come from Indonesia, which comes one's extremities, a man who respected, the economic state and everything because they are science. They float with the notion but not berilmu will continue to lag behind.

Conscious and sisters must realize, is not the same people who berilmu with those who do not berilmu. How to think, act and so forth. More extreme when people are not ignorant or berilmu himself berilmu feel that, because the person who is ignorant lumrahnya not menyedari who himself does not berilmu.

Supposing berazam and sisters continue to push as now, means the sisters can not be distinguished between the diamond crystal. Wang parents have enough to pay for instruction, but a sister model side, on the basis of interest solely in the case he does not need to.

Sister understand or not, do not attempt to give God's favor and choose the road vagaries maze to go to the real destination of life.


Knowledge parents who, if Allah will be the birth of children berilmu results of the admirable and penghayatan children against both parents. When a Knowledge it, have lessons in the family, children, the other, including the brother-beradik go to be one of the family who knowledge direction. Indirectly, the knowledge inherited by the family concerned.

This phenomenon does not occur among those who involve themselves as models. Become a model usually has a physical form of a beautiful, tall and slim young young. The short-legged, dark skin will tersingkir of prospective models.

The most important, a model that must be young, we rarely see those old, out in the glass televisyen bathing costume parade, ubat coli or mosquitoes. Sharpness career model is limited to certain times and do not guarantee a bright future. Circumstances such as this differs with those who have any lessons berilmu or higher.

Thus to ensure that future, better sister model to be stopped temporarily and the stack so that graduate teaching.

In the 1960s, they considered the Cambridge high achievement academic. At the village, the university seumpama shadow. If someone is successful in learning and university graduate, the person concerned can easily hold an office, even before working out is learning to wait.

These conditions apply because when the secondary schools was established only in the last-ditch or weekends. To get a diploma of education, candidates take the kingdom to foreign countries such as England. Everything has changed, in which someone may not be the size of the envisaged changes regarding how.

Kingdom to establish schools throughout the country, providing education to the allotment for such large expenditures proportionate to the state defense expenditures. When this graduation school, the one when the first match of Senior Cambridge, not to be proud again. So also with the graduation diploma, such as the sisters have learned now. Some candidates have also run the master here to there to find a job, forced to work in the factory with the first factory-use sijil SPM. Employer is aware that if someone has a Master and work in the kilangnya, candidates will not be working this long and distressing pentadbirannya.

Must be aware that someone needs the knowledge. Passed high degree ensure the work has the future. From a poor family to become a simple and well-respected family. There are also people who feel the science is not necessary because the family consists of the rich, famous and everything is adequate.

Because they do not need to learn, or learn the easy-just as easy to get the country out solekan diploma or the instance in case they attempt to get a diploma in the field journey, a very needed by the country. If this is the attitude held, on the other nations struggling with the full confidence to self, family and country, will be behind us, the day the more far behind.

Lumrahnya people involved with the model consists of those who are beautiful, a spectacle certain people, giuran the corporate, the management-keeper, referrer-referrer, the big fashion pereka been impressed with the physical beauty. Because they often become prey that eventually become mainstream love unknown destinations of the end.

Until when the sisters wanted to be a model, until in family? Forged sister will stop when berkahwin, in the areas of interest and this is a delusion sisters? A husband who let his wife to open the exhibit itself with auratnya, called by another man, the husband is dayus. Beauty is only a wife to her husband.

The Modern also has a beautiful wife to be an attempt will not bear the temptation peminatnya. Too many deceptive pretext meminati man who felt that a woman can meet seleranya.

Tergiur beautiful women will also eventually dissolved with hilaian famous men, have an important position, according to lavish wealth will, give a gift diamonds, train the vine, which comes with full fragrant flowers and praise, and so forth.

From here, someone's wife that the man who will continue to obsess with her husband earlier that waiting at home after work send parade themselves in kerjaya models.

By request of the sisters, I want to describe the sincere feeling that sisters do not tend goats on the edge well, ditakuti goat-goat will tercebur earlier, weak in the water. Parents said, do not try to play a fire. Tend goats in the forest, on the edge well, if not drop in the spring, wolves in the land always waiting period for eat and kill.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Teenagers and technology independence

By Mohd. Md Farid bin. Alias

THE use of technology, human merentasi able to finish the effort deria and kudrat themselves. In other words, technology helps people perform work with something more capable, fast and effective.

Presumably human technology in daily life seen growing in parallel with the introduction of the latest technology. Good computer, phone, or train or so is the technology that can not be separated with the atmosphere of modern-day life of this era.

Technology tools forever

Together with the arrival of information technology is also a channel through the mass media. There are various information that exposure from any source, which is sometimes so laden to ditapis, swallowed and digested eventually.

There are legitimate information, not legitimate and not legitimate. There are relevant and which are not. We all need wisdom in managing the receipt of information, evaluation and then critically mengolahnya according to the guidelines intellect and divine revelation.

Obsession of the technology sometimes makes people consider technology as the goal, and direct their lives toward the materialistik. Development of technology into the core agenda of human development, while often terpinggir.

Ownership felt the technology can portray feelings more powerfully, more than at others, and then stir a sense of ego and want to taste another man, or perhaps other countries.

However, there is discovery and ownership of the technology as something that you want to or been disalah use to oppress others, such as that which is done by countries that consider themselves World Police?

Hence, the need to ditatang technology as a tool to achieve something pure, while maintaining the purity existing. Aspects of culture, language, and religion should not terhanyut result of the tsunami waves that technology so swift.

Conversely, these aspects need to be a tray so that the flow wave that is not kemodenan away the element of tradition that remains relevant in the eternal life of the day.

Technology should help people achieve something to benefit himself, as well as other human beings in this world. The use of technology that ignore the rights of other people or other creatures will not allow people achieve the true benefits of these technologies.

The use of technology for the exploration in the forest does not eg national, not only will destroy the habitat for wild animals so original, but also actually damage the protected water catchment area, the soil structure and so forth. Natijahnya, we can see now, such as landslides and floods.

From one side, the technology remains important for domination because with technology, we can achieve the economic, political, defense, the original source and so forth. With the technology, development of the country will be able to move in line momentum needs of the population increasing from time to time.
Think people think technology

The sophistication of the latest technology should be used not only in the context of the use of the product is ready sematamata. At the same curiosity can dijana regarding how the technology works and the basic sciences are used.

In addition, we also need to think about where the origin of these technologies, does he developed by Islam itself or from the West. Furthermore, there does manamana role of Islam in the development of these technologies, whether the investigation or the making of, or may not directly?

The objectives, we need to recognize that most of the technology in use today with the arrival of the West, began the process of investigation, followed by the creation, and then marketing and manages. And we as a nation of Islam may be many role as the only end-users to these technologies.

To see this, we need to realize that the whole Islamic nation are still far behind in science and technology of many other nations. We are still not able to develop the technology itself be the root of the decline of the state of our own cultural knowledge was not fertile bud.

Meanwhile, scientists produced many Islamic previous discoveries and the latest brilliant and so become the basis of the development of science and technology is now mature.

Ibn Haitham instance held as' Father Optic Modern 'on his contribution in the research and produce brilliant latest discoveries in the field of optics. Now the science that he found a principle to optical science and application of the present technology that was developed.

In fact, Islam itself is a nation should be the best, as the meaning of the word Allah in Surah Ali Imran, verse 110. Our progress, both in the development of physical morals, nor should be alert level to other people so that they are our example.

Hence, youth of Islam today are aware that expectations need to promote Islam tergalas on their shoulders. Teenager Islam, which still has the intellect and physical kudrat great, is expected to continue to plunge science and technology to Islam soon able to have a technology that captures more to the front.

When teenagers have thought such a point, this could help spark interest in youth to deepen the knowledge of science and technology counts on the shuttle awareness about Islam today.

Today, our countries have been able to send a cosmonaut to space themselves with the help of our technology partner countries. Is expected soon and we can build the rocket and spaceship to send a spacesuit we explore the natural capacity of the space that we have the technology itself.


Independence is the technology that is expected to require the efforts of scientific thinking, creative and innovative. Education system that menyerapkan think that the skills needed the lines produce scientists and engineers who then has the technology to build up their own reference.

Independence is the technology that interlock to the root of the culture, language and religion of our own will be able to fully realize the people that are still intact identity and unique vocabulary and superior knowledge.

Palestine in our heart...

(which is in the placement of the Palestine Media in Syria and Lebanon recently).

Malay proverb states, 'in which the earth stand there are sky' is actually only appropriate for the man who wander and emigrated to the survival of the destination of choice.

However, if a relationship and were forced to emigrate because of, or will be out of the dwelling house in the land of water by the colonists, the stories and other effects.

The fact the earth dipijak, would go to heaven are not changed, but the situation and the implications are very different.

That is the reality of life and the people of Palestine that the nation and will be forced out of their own country since the regime zionis Jews began settling in Israel and conquer the earth anbia Palestine since 1948 until today.

Indeed, this earth, God and man are widely scattered to seek sustenance in which the only sustenance was available for every creature that is trying to get it.

But the students sense that dipijak earth and the heavens are forced with the provision in the evenly, if the rights and freedoms that God gave it been approved by those in power to colonize.

For the people, nation and the man who will be in force and outcast by the colonists, the effect of emotional, spiritual, psychological and physical is not just too sick and hurt, but it is too poignant and very grievous.

It may be difficult for the man who received life always dilimpahi luxury and pleasure in pestaan-party atmosphere in the country safe and prosperous.

However, it is the reality that forced dideritai borne by the people and nation and Palestine, especially Muslims, since the house will be from the residence in the land of water and killed themselves and diseksa physical, spiritual and psychological regime zionis by Israel to this day.

Even the rights of freedom of life and seek and receive gifts that Allah SWT provide for all His creatures on earth that they diami also deliberate.

No terms and goes right for them that life may be the morning for breakfast Digital Image Stabilization and Digital Image Stabilization night evening to lay on the stomach noon tomorrow in a foreign land without democracy, nor the status of this self-identity.

Since the regime will be zionis Jews of Israel, the people of Palestine be spread evenly in the country in the face of the earth now, but their rights as citizens dinafikan.

Even the humanitarian rights of not only their diragut massacre by Israel and the ravenous that have been killed, memusnah owned property and forces them out of the earth, Palestine, but diabai and dipinggirkan by the community and the kingdom where they roam.

What is the meaning of life enjoyment if one family that does not contain less than five people live in a 'home' bersaiz about six feet wide and 12 feet long with a common room with kitchen and demolished several other families in the rental rate, so the U.S. $ 200 (RM720) a month.

"We can not have what is necessary and must be owned by another man, although qualified.

"The right of education, health and residence of the most basic things as human dinafikan also," Kamal Jamaludeen inform the shelter in Syria with his family since the age of 9 years longer.

Intimate with the Abu ammar call, he was brought by the mother of his father to bring them to Syria after the Askar Israel will be over 40 years ago.

He said, more than one million people take refuge in Palestine Media placement of 25 pieces of rented in the country with a fertile agricultural, Syria.

Damsyik around alone, said a leader of unity in Syria, Palestine residents aged 55 years, the seven Media placement will be the nation out of the ground water regime zionis Jews by Israel since 1948 until now.

"Seventy percent of our one million people in Syria are under poverty," he explained while using the Safe entourage visited the Palestine Media Malaysia mukhoyaam or placement of residents in Palestine Jaramanna and Saidah in Damsyik Zainab, Syria, before the Hari Raya Aidiladha and new.

According to Abu ammar, there are professional Palestine have the opportunity to continue their career in the field, I still think engineering and academic in Syria, but only a few people only.

"What would all the people of Palestine and will be dinafikan by populist regime zionis Israel is not the right democracy in the country that we live," he explained.

Instead let Abu ammar again, they only live with the document as a special introduction or identity themselves only.

Once a need, to win all the rights, including the opportunity to work according to ability and the feasibility owned, except as a manual laborer who was limited rather by the very low salaries, he added.

Instead of living of the people in Palestine present Damsyik around the residence of the oppressed when they duduki since more than 60 years ago will dirobohkan to give way for road projects enlargement and development.

The life of approximately 60 families in Palestine placement on the top of the hill in Zarout, approximately 40 kilometers from Bandar highway Beirut, Lebanon, more naive.

Kem has ua d fruit of two-level building that only one third built and ready to use their own hit brick simen wasted collected from around the area.

Q anpa any basic facilities, the placement them to build 'setinggan' to continue survival.

Moreover, the shelter is still partly in the 'room' that berdindingkan plastic and scrap plywood and some bricks hit simen opened with ZINC under the applicable since more than 20 years ago.

With the simple clothing, children also want the old and weak to continue, albeit survival bahang need to share the warmth of paper and burnt remnants of wood each time the snow season and cool and catch rain water as a source of life.

Rarely visit people outside and not get the attention of the local community, the group visits Malaysia for Safe Palestine mengagihkan victims of meat and a little flash charitable donations, made the atmosphere at the Feast of Sacrifice in the drizzly rain in the placement in the top of the hill when it Zarout so sorrowful.

Instead, it is said that many still live at home under the ZINC, sided plastic, and paper and record pieces of plywood around the Mediterranean seafront, the city of Beirut highway known as the 'Paris Middle East' is.

Vary with the cloudless atmosphere few among the orphans Palestine when diraikan grown by some voluntary agencies outside the country, including Safe Malaysia in Palestine of a national primary Kem Beer Hassan in the north-west Beirut.

Not far from the tragedy area tragic slaughter in the rollicking people of Palestine by the Israeli regime zionis Kem in the Sabra and Shatila (16-18 September 1982) on the edge of Hamra in Beirut seaport, the situation in the center of a solid game when the visitors somewhat murky.

And so rarely because of appearance, there is cause for orphans Palestine that the average age of three to 17 years old crying because receive the 'gift' differing results of the contribution they are concerned.

Indeed people of Palestine and child on earth, especially Syria and Lebanon, we need help.

Although there are still a handful of relatives and the poor in our prosperity in the country itself, but the people of Palestine without kedaifan democracy with limited job opportunities in the Media-Media fugitive in a foreign country far more menjerut feelings.

Your contributions through voluntary agencies for the Palestine people's trust and kind-hearted can bring hope and strengthen their faith and belief in the unity of god Islami.

Should remember, in businesses, eliminate the regime of Israel Palestine nations of the earth itself, there are many people disbelieve the organization to move to 'breath' new to the oppressed Muslims of Palestine with various tactics.

Ayuh hulurkan contribution to the ability and sincerity because your heart is with every Muslim, and they are right to the top of us, before he be in the balance of justice of Allah SWT soon.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Q&A: Relations forbidden

QUESTIONS: We both are more than half a century. My husband never be the prayer, or too rare prayer, fasting also. Far to the Indiana charity. He always back into the night, drunk, do not go berserk and going at 8 am,

Since has, kegemarannya is watching Pornographic video. As a result he was trying to meliwati me. Up to now I still refutes this and trying mengelakkannya. Is there a correct, the husband-wife may meliwati especially in an emergency?

Faithful wife...

Answer: In human life, the more dihayun feet to the front, the hampirlah it's correct destination. That should live with. The more the number of age, the more hampirlah someone with death, the destination can not be avoided. Want or not, willing or forced, death remains meragut themselves when the time arrived without beginning or later.

The Messenger of Allah explains that his age is between 60-70 years old, only a few among them who should live beyond the age.

Islam told his suppliers to provide the Hereafter. Indeed, the best supply of the Hereafter is piety. Do what was governed by syarak, evade restrictions.

Included in the business and practice must be done to reach a peaceful rotation is to make a harmonious set-namely prayer five times, fasting, charity and pilgrimage to fulfill the leaders.

My sympathy to the women who pair with a man for 20 years, a long period, rightly admired as an example the wife and children. However, he failed to do so. No prayer, fasting and tithe. They are deliberately leaving this worship, when he attempted to do so, because in addition to not insignificant realizing the importance of worship, including the rebel groups.

Prayer is the pillar of religions. Age means that people establish religion. And the abandoned, meaning overthrow religion. Prayer to give the impression in the form sahsiah someone, preventing perpetrators of a crime and kemungkaran.

When the fast birth to a sense of conscious, understand the suffering of other human beings eventually establish the nature of piety in itself. Zakah cleanse themselves and property. From what we have, that we obtain from business done, there is a small part of the property of certain persons, which is very poor, they also stipulated that Sharia.

Worship-worship is not done by women husband. But the effect of prayer, worship is not existent in the women themselves husband because he does not fulfill the commandment to set up any claim that Islam. Because it is not complicated if the behavior berkecenderungan a crime.

No sympathy, cause a ruffian, the carpet, adding that should the wife and protected without a place in front of audiences. Similarly, attitudes that sometimes drunk, which is harmful to the intellect. One gift of God that there is no value, comparing that with the human animal also with other beings. Indeed, the wine capital crime.

Trend live now, there is disedari or seumpama not so difficult to repress current generation of video watching Pornographic. To turn it requires of all parties, namely parents, friends around at school or around the residence, authorities kingdom, schools and so forth.

As long as someone wants to watch a video Pornographic forms, whereas the seller Pornographic video want the results whoredom scoop the money business, circular Pornographic video seumpama it can not be. However, if efforts to prevent it done with, the activities seumpama reduced.


Pornographic video to watch in practice, including salary, which can implication to adultery, because it stimulates appetite, does not think the male or female, old or young. He was included in the factors or intervention that can cause a person is stuck with adultery. Hence, if these activities can be avoided, in most activities not directly adultery can also be avoided.

With the rise of militancy due to watch the video Pornographic, a berkemungkinan will do what purchasing. This applies to the husband and women, though reaching the age of 60-an. If this can apply to a man to be the information age, has a wife, of course, this will also apply to groups who have strong appetite for more.

Intercourse or sodomy of the rectum is sejahat-evil treatment, it is not possible to think of the fellow men or women, either in the anus or the wife is not the wife. Unlawful practices and ditegah syarak.

He has been a friend of the famous name called by Ali bin Talaq pleased, he said, a Bedouin .. has come to meet the Messenger and said: "O Messenger of Allah, there is a Change on a legal, I want to know. A man from our group are in the top of the field. Out of the men fart, the wind. He brings a little water. He wanted to take prayer and wuduk. If the water is used wuduk, what can be drunk when the opposition. Give us Petua Practice good that I can. "

Listen to the words for men was said: "If one of you terkentut, it must be the first with water, supposing there is no water, he can TAYAMMUM."

Then he said to him: "And do not you Go ye wife in their anus. But whereas God is not ashamed of that right "(Hasan Hadith).

It is comprehensive, including the wife alone, notwithstanding the above reasons the wife is in pain or cramps farajnya. In such circumstances, the husband must be patient to wait until the wife has been clean of menstruation or have been cured farajnya.

According to the Syafie, Wati in the anus (sodomy) that resembles the Wati granted on (the front) based on the proposition of the al-Quran and Hadith-Hadith.

According priest Syafie again, not for sayugia wife by the husband to death and sodomy to the top, supposing he was forced or dikasari, he can make a complaint to the caddy. Kadi be the husband of the medium to do so. Supposing the husband still brings it may punish as teaching or academic penalty with a more lightweight than punishment adultery. According to Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf, sodomy is illegal conduct legal.

Indeed, the practice of sodomy will not be done by their good mind. He does not look that they do so with the views of mercy. On this practice by the angel, also mankind.

In a hadith, Ibn Abbas, rather than, it was said to the man who mewati will be a man or woman on duburnya views with sympathy.

In a Hadith of Huzaimah bin sickle, stated there is a theme I have come to the practice of the Messenger's wife on the back. Is the lawful state. When the man asked that the outstanding go, the call back and ask, on what was ditanyanya, Wati, which is what is meant, or in which conducted. Will it make Wati from the back to the hole or faraj Wati, namely the back rectum? If Wati from the faraj then why not, but Wati from the back of the hole to the rectum, did not have to.

Tell him to friends, whereas God is not ashamed to tell what is right and important notified supposing they all want to call shame. Keep careful you do not do all you Wati against the wife on the duburnya. Hadith by an Nasaiy, Imam Ahmad and Ibn Habban.

In another hadith, the decree that: He who come to the women or women who have menstrual cramps in the duburnya, or find carpenters and fortune-telling, confirming what he said will, then the person has kufur with what has been revealed by God to the top Prophet Muhammad.''Historical Ahmad, at-Tarmizi and an Nasaiy.

The type of relationship

Information on the type of relationship do that through the anus is forbidden, and whether terlaknat against a wife. People who do not behave so healthy, because of that, supposing a husband act to do so, the wife does not obey His will, deservedly.

Sodomy is a sexual relationship outside tabii, not the practice of believers. Husband women like to watch the video Pornographic that can be found everywhere easily. Once she sodomy against women likely he will continue to be repeats. Perbuatannya will be stopped temporarily when the will to make nafsunya materialize. Arrival time alone again by dirangsang Pornographic video in the weeks it will do so again.

Husband women do not pray, no fasting, no charity is not known because there is not enough Nisab or merely dont want to explaint.

Normally, human like this, also will not fulfill pilgrimage. And in case he meliwat in addition to ignore Rukun Islam, then sin big enough network that also inhabit the self iktikad husband women. May Allah give him land and survive than women by sodomise.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Magic axis crime devil belief people

Khairunneezam by Mohd Noor
In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Black magic practices so rebellious people, kufur breed fruitful disputes in the community

This modern supermarket was going to occur, do not you surprised to know that some community members still strong with terbelenggu practice witchcraft, which can damage faith. A rice tangas, wind-direction direction, santau, over witchcraft, oil and chin instance, he was famous magic between branch and still practiced hard in the community.

Indeed, the act is not magic and not berpaksikan to the teachings of science or the devil wants her belief that Islam astray and damaged continue to perish. Magic is not good to give people consume, the more people become more victims.

Magic using the instrumentality of the jinn and the devil is not more than the negative aims to meet the rapacious appetite, run hatred, wanted to show them that someone is strong, or as a signal itself can not dicabar physical, feeling and expression of emotion.

Sharing the story of a victim magic for the long term lead to exacerbation because many ill effects such as forced covered disturbed incarnation of the black experience and the eerie dream.

Although friends and family before I'm trying berubat efforts to use modern medical practices, traditional medicines and Islam, the disease has not experienced even more extreme.

Suffering of victims of sorcery invite into the issue, if there benarlah the error to make it either deliberately or not, if there is no other way to solve problems that other than sorcery.

How that rather complacence is the practice of sorcery is to see if the victim terseksa physical, emotional, mental and find a magic that caused death.

Would it taste or if the dispute is not resolved in a happy heart that can both forgive each other and at peace.

Word of God means: "And if they incline to peace, the condonglah him and put thy trust in Allah. He is the Hearing, Knowing." (Surah al-Anfal, paragraph 61)

Clearly, people are able to do that magic value fragile faith. The group is easily intriguant budge on the subject and whispering and incitement devil. This is the practice of the rebellious and kufur.

They are not aware that Allah is Aware of entertainment and fair. If someone is good practice, it will also reply received from God, it's also acceptable if he was on a crime.

Word of God means: "Anyone who is good as particle, he will see nescaya (replies) and anyone who does evil as particle, he will see nescaya (replies) also." (Surah al-Zalzalah, paragraph 7 and 8)

Islam prohibits disapprovingly and stuck with his practice of sorcery. Rasionalnya practice witchcraft because it easily damage the faith and destroy a person of Muslim faith.

Magic cause someone who lost the confidence to consume the power of God and considers himself more able to bring the power to hurt others. Magic attempt reinforce a sense of arrogant, flash and among its wrong.

Magic will also expand reproduction of a dispute, the nature of revenge is not retroactive, invite defamation, and Shop-party lost the trust fellow members of the community. Imagine if a game sebati magic in life, abstinence tercuit magic, it will dibalas with magic.

Islam needs to avoid the practice of sorcery and try to fight the act with serious. How is:

# All levels of society need to deepen intact, distribute and embrace their teachings of Islam and make it as a way of life. Islam itself means obedient, and WELL resignation to God to give meaning prosperous. So, embrace their Islamic welfare means enrich fellow human relationship and the relationship with God.

# Resolving a dispute and understand the methods of appropriate and rational concepts and practices sorry, forgive each other individuals.

# Always apply and the ease of land that God unshakable faith in oneself and be given protection from malicious envy, evil magic act of man, elf, and the devil.

# To make the al-Quran and al-Hadith as a guide in all aspects of life. Likewise hafazan practices and the advantages of reading a particular paragraph or in the al-Quran. With the permission of Allah, he is able to become pendinding, and a repellent effect of magic to someone.

# To provide education to the community about the danger of the practice of sorcery is not only harmful to someone's belief even follow-horn and the thoughts will become porak-peranda and not rational.

# Criticizing the berhikmah and take resolute action against those who perform magic to be opened in the heart neurotoxins to be changed and nasuha repent to Allah.

# No support and cooperate with the magic practitioners to practice jahatnya it will be lost and not inherited by anyone.

For that affected the practice witchcraft, what needs to be made is sure to continue because of the power of God with His permission can certainly magic repudiate any act of evil men, jinn and the devil. Do not also the same method (ie magic) practiced want to give back the evil magic practitioners said.

The nature of patient should also continue to exist in addition to seek a settlement and keep the best and apply Islamic tawakal to God. Assuming that it is a form of God examination to test the firmness values of Islam and a person of faith.

Haji Akbar: the fact and trust


NO congregation that flood the House pilgrimage in Mecca would be times when the double effect Haji Akbar. - Picture

EACH time when the days fall on the day wuquf Friday, the public interpret this as Islam Haji Akbar. This may be based on the day wuquf Messenger when Farwell Hajj, which is also valid on Friday.

The word Haji Akbar called in the al-Quran that means: And (This is) a statement of Allah and His messenger to mankind in the day that Haji Akbar Allah and His Messenger innocent people than the idolaters. Then, if ye (idolaters people) repent, repent So it is better for you, and if you turn away, then know that ye can not frustrate Allah. Beritakanlah and to the unbelievers (that they will get) seksa the sting. (at-Taubah: 3)

The Mufassirin (expert commentary) opinions differed on the definition of Haji Akbar, who said the day Nahar, said the day of `Arafah.

Most Mufassirin such as Ibn kathir, al Sa'diyy, al Syanqitiyy, al Qurtubiyy and al Tabariyy states tend Haji Akbar is the feast day or pilgrimage Nahar.

So even though the definition of Haji Akbar in this paragraph is a pilgrimage that occurred in the ninth Hijrah. No expert commentary that the opinion Akbar Hajj is the Pilgrimage wuqufnya fall on Friday.

Haji Akbar

Most experts fikah or Jumhur Fuqaha opinion Haji Akbar is the day Nahar or Hari Raya Haji. This is because the majority of practices such as pilgrimage throw in Jamratul unsuccessful, bergunting, circumambulated Ifadhah and saie first ditunaikan the congregation pilgrimage in the day Nahar.

Leaders of fiqh in the Syafiee sect, Imam al Nawawiy states: "Humaid said the day is a day Nahar Haji Akbar, this is because qaul Abi Hurairah, that He by al-Bukhari and Muslim in both legitimate .... This is because most manasik done on the day, while those who said Haji Akbar is the day of `Arafah their berhujahkan Hadith '` Arafat is the Pilgrimage' but Kareena Hadith reject this view.

Al-Qadhi 'Ayyadh menukilkan the sect, according to Haji Akbar Malik is the day Nahar, whereas according to the sect Syafiee is the day of `Arafah.

Reality is the reverse of what he reveal, even Syafiee sect and is Ashabnya day Nahar as wallahu called 'natural.

Shamsuddin al Sarkhasiyy a leader of the Hanafi sect stated: "the circumambulated harmonious Hajj pilgrimage, and he is Haji Akbar takwil on the word of God: Taubah advent of the third paragraph. These are the days Nahar. "

Fuqaha Maliki also said the same thing, whether Muhammad ibn Yusuf said: "Malik said: Nahar day is the day Haji Akbar."

In the al Mughniyy 'style Mukhtasar Al Kharqiy a masterpiece in the Hanbali sect: clauses: Today is the day Haji Akbar Nahar, has graying Indeed, the Messenger in the day with Nahar said, "This is the day Haji Akbar."

So called because of the many practices that ditunaikan pilgrimage on the day wuquf from the Masy'ar, contrary to Mina, throw, slaughter, shave, and ifadhah circumambulated return to Mina to spend the night ... "

Based on the above explanation clearly to us that Haji Akbar fuqaha according to the four main sects in Islam is the Day Nahar.

Haji Akbar, according to muhaddithin

Here dinukilkan some views regarding the Muhaddithin Haji Akbar.

-According to Muhammad ibn 'Ali al Shaukaniyy: "Sabdanya: (Day Nahar), namely the day Haji Akbar, according to the view that legitimate in the sect Syafiee, Malik and Ahmad ..."

Abu-al 'Ala al Mubarakfuriyy states: "Already famous among the public when the day of` Arafah falls on a Friday, on pilgrimage is the Hajj Akbar, no origin in this view. Razin was correct hand of Talhah bin Ubaidullah bin Karz in mursal: "The best day is when the day of` Arafah falls on a Friday, he more than 70 times the main pilgrimage in the day other than Friday, "such as that found in the Herbal Medicine 'And he Fawaid al Hadith mursal is that I did not find isnadnya. "

According to al-Zarqaniyy also: "...( after he mentions the Hadith Razin) ... al Hafiz has to perform and stated: I do not know the case because he did not mention the two friends who narrate this Hadith, and not mentakhrijnya ... .. and in the essay Hadyu Ibn al Qayyim al: What is the tongue of the public who on the day wuquf rival 72 times Friday pilgrimage is a false history / vanity is not there originally from the dawn is not from any friend or Tabiein. "

Al-Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Hadith Asqalaniyy when mensyarahkan said the decline in the advent of the revelations of Allah, al-Maaidah paragraph 3 mean: On this day I have ... It, he said with: "... Hadithic this proposition to be on the day wuquf idiosyncrasy Friday contrasted with other day-to-day, because Allah SWT has chosen messenger for the best and practices that glorious with the glory of the place and time. Friday is also the best day of the week, because at one time that there are efficacious in prayer even more so for the qaul he said after asar.

The Hadith is called the marfu by Razin 'in the Jami'nya: "The best day is when the day of` Arafah falls on a Friday, he more than 70 times the main pilgrimage in the day other than Friday. I do not know the case because he did not mention the two friends who narrate this Hadith, and not mentakhrijnya ... whole of both its advantages, he mensabitkan with that, Wallahu 'natural. "

Based on the views that were presented clearly to us that mengHaji akbarkan wukuf on Friday is a day that does not have a strong principle. However, the surplus on the day wuquf Friday is a crescent and recognized.


This brief display shows the reality Haji Akbar come in every year with the coming days Nahar namely Hari Raya Haji.

He was a great and glorious with the majesty of the practice of pilgrimage and sacrifice made by Islam in the day.

Wuquf on Friday also is a distinction that is very big because he concentrate priority wuquf day and Friday in addition to the priority of worship in the `Arafat. Wallahu 'nature.